2023 - Mar 11

Chrolorm Rorngka Pdo Veasna Sne

Chu Yui Bun
50 episodes · TV Ongoing Chrolorm Rorngka Pdo Veasna Sne

A twin flower was born from the purple ganoderma of the Eastern Mound of the Returned Market, and the flower spirit drifted into the belly of the Queen of the People, giving birth to two princesses, Night Tum and Green Aoi, one good and one evil. The older sister, Aoi, was born with a holy light from the sky, loved by all the people and the father’s treasure, admired by the human race, and will be married into the divine race as a heavenly consort. The younger sister, Night Tum, was born with a bad omen from the sky, the queen died in childbirth and her mother died in a strange way, which was considered unlucky.

When the two worlds welcomed the marriage, the twin sisters’ palanquins were accidentally switched. The two sisters are married into the Heavenly Realm and become a happy couple with the divine ruler Xuan Shang, while Qing Aoi becomes a pawn of the Third Highness Miao Feng to fight for the crown.

The two lovers are faced with a huge test between their love and their concern for life. The two lovers are faced with a great test between their love and their concern for life. With their courage, the two sisters break through the situation, ushering in the light after darkness and keeping the Four Realms safe for all time.