Akum Dav Chhlang Phop
Akum Dav Chhlang Phop
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Akum Dav Chhlang Phop

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Akum Dav Chhlang Phop
Status: Ongoing Network: Studio: Released: Oct 28, 2023 Duration: 45 mins Season: , , Country: Type: TV Episodes: 50 Director: Posted by: Admin Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Akum Dav Chhlang Phop

Channel One 31 is preparing to open the universe Hero One Universe (one Universe) and deliver a big mission. In the new drama Phupha Phi Khum, the adventures of a prince who gets lost in a mysterious valley. Villagers rumored to have ghosts living there. Miraculously, the prince survived. But the memories of the past disappeared. He grew up having knowledge of right and wrong. With the help of 8 ghosts and got a new name “Pha”

When he found out the truth about the 8 ghosts who raised him is the spirit guarding the treasure The adventure mission to find the true owner of the treasure in order to free the 8 ghosts and find the true family begins.

The lead actor, Petch Ananarin, plays the role of Pha or Prince Tinnakorn, who goes on a mission with Duean (Smile-Phalada) and Tan (Dome-Jaruwat) with protection from 8 ghosts using the knowledge from Ghosts are used to survive and complete missions. Along with a large cast of actors such as Fon Thanasunthorn, Taek Pharanyu, Somjit Jongjorho, Ploypailin Limpanawetyanon, Pangpond-Akarawut, Lift-Supoj, Dodo-Yuthpichai, Ar-Anatphon, Mink-Nattharinee and many more actors

Follow and watch Phu Pha Phi Khum drama every Monday – Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on Channel One 31 #good drama, watch on Channel One To watch a retrospective of Phu Pha Phi Khum,

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